Training Workshops and Webinars

Global Proposal Solutions provides a wide range of Training Workshops and Webinars,  readily customized to suit our clients. We offer these workshops either by Webinar or in-person, in the following formats:

  • Hal, Full Day or Multi-Day Workshops: Workshops can be customized to suit the client, but generally involve multiple concurrent, interactive sessions that can broadly address the faculty experience in successful research, or can take a ‘deep dive’ into the nuances of successful grant proposal/manuscript writing.
  • Mini-Workshops (1.5-2 hour): Given how difficult it is to ask faculty and staff to carve out an entire day to sit through presentations that may (or may not) provide new information to an audience with varying levels of experience, GPS’ strategy for mini-workshops  – unique to the industry – is to provide 1.5-2 hour group workshops or webinars that cover the essence of the topic, followed up by one-on-one consultations that focus on the specific needs of each proposal writer.

Proposal-Related Training Workshops and Webinars

  • WRITING WINNING GRANT PROPOSALS: AN INTRODUCTION”: An overview of winning strategies over the life cycle of proposal development.
  • “NIH GRANT PROPOSALS”: An in-depth workshop on successful NIH proposal writing.
  • WINNING WAYS TO WRITING THE PROPOSAL”: How to write compelling prose.
  • HOW TO THINK ABOUT THE REVIEW PROCESS – WHAT PROCESS GOES ON BEHIND CLOSED DOORS?: An in-depth consideration of the review process, and how you can best put forward your ideas to capture the reviewers’ attention.
  • WRITING SUCCESSFUL TRiO PROPOSALS“: Key strategies for bringing a TRiO program to your institution.
  • INSIGHTS INTO PRIVATE AND CORPORATE FOUNDATIONS”: How to successfully compete for private and corporate foundations, including writing white papers and letter proposals.
  • HOW TO COMPETE FOR INTERNATIONAL AWARDS – SECURING FUNDING FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD”: Seeking and securing funding from international funders and U.S. sources for international projects.
  • SUCCESSFUL MANUSCRIPT WRITING“: A primer on the process of publishing, from selecting journals through submission and revision.

Faculty Development Training Workshops and Webinars

  • CREATING AND MANAGING EFFECTIVE PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS”: An introduction to creating lasting, productive partnerships and collaborations – both next door and around the world.
  • INTERDISCIPLINARITY AND MULTIDISCIPLINARITY: PROMISE AND PITFALLS”: This workshop provides a guide for junior faculty exploring disciplinary, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research.
  • RESEARCH LABORATORY PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT”: A workshop for junior faculty who are embarking on setting up their own research laboratory.
  • THE ARC OF THE FACULTY CAREER”: An examination of the various phases of the faculty career – how to manage them to maximum effect.
  • POSITIONING YOURSELF FOR RESEARCH”: An examination of the career activities and planning for junior faculty
  • WRITING SCIENTIFIC MANUSCRIPTS”: A guide to successful manuscript writing for scientists
  • BUDGETS AND BUDGETING: A BEGINNERS GUIDE”: This workshop covers the basics of preparing budgets for grant proposals to both public and private funding sources.

Administrative-Related Training Workshops and Webinars

  • TIME MANAGEMENT FOR UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATORS”: A workshop for VPs, deans, associate deans, department heads with general and detailed guidance for effective time management
  • BUILDING EFFECTIVE RESEARCH CENTERS, INSTITUTES AND CLUSTERS”: A workshop that explores the process of establishing effective Research Centers and Clusters, drawing out the maximum benefits and avoiding the common pitfalls
  • STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR MAXIMIZING RESEARCH PRODUCTIVITY: A workshop for VPs, deans, associate deans, department heads with guidance for creating and maintaining research productivity
  • STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR COMPREHENSIVE INTERNATIONALIZATION: A workshop for VPs, deans, associate deans, department heads in strategies for increasing international student recruitment, retention and aligning study abroad opportunities with the curriculum
  • PREPARING FOR RENEWALS AND SITE VISITS: A group leaders guide to successfully navigating

    Please Contact Us for additional information.