SYNOPSIS: The GPS Team comprises consultants and associates with deep, long-standing experience in successful proposal writing, program review and subsequent management of grants in both the public and private spheres. Each GPS team member brings unique skills to bear on every client’s project.
- Dr. Richard Nader has been deeply involved in international programs, research, proposal writing and funding for a quarter of a century.
- Dr. Warren Burggren has been writing winning grant proposals for more than 40 years as an academic and administrator.
- Dr. Diana Elrod has more than 20 years of experience in developing and implementing multidisciplinary undergraduate research programs.
- Dr. Lillian Niwagaba is a higher education expert with broad experience in global education and program management.
- Ms. Kristine Nader is owner/manager, and serves as the business point-of-contact for GPS.
Additional experienced associates participate on proposal development, evaluation and other consulting as required.
More about Warren | More about Diana | More about Lillian |