Grants Secured

Grants Secured by GPS Consultants as PIs or CoPIs

GPS consultants have been directly involved in securing more than $60,000,000 for Research, Training and other activities.

United States

Public Agencies

Federal Level

– National Science Foundation
– National Institutes of Health
– Department of Energy
– Department of Education
– State Department

State Level

– Texas Department of Health
– Texas Education Agency
– Texas Department of Human Services
– Texas Advanced Research Program
– Texas State Environmental Program

Private Agencies

– Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
– Houston Endowment
– Meadows Foundation
– Kellogg Foundation
– Hogg Foundation
– Max Baer Heart Fund
– State Government of Sao Paulo, Brazil
– Parker B. Francis Foundation
– Puritan-Bennett Foundation


 – 100K Strong in the Americas Competition
– Japan Society for Promotion of Science
– U. S. Embassy, Santiago, Chile
– Public Diplomacy Division, U. S. Embassy, Republic of Georgia
– International Educators Administrative Fulbright
– German Academic Exchange Commission (DAAD)
– Japan Kansai Gaidai University, Intensive English Language Institute
– Fulbright Group Projects
– Japan Ministry of Economic Trade and Industry (METI)
– Japan Foundation
– Korea Foundation