Panel Memberships & Proposals Reviewed


 United States

Public Agencies

– National Aeronautics Space Agency (NASA) Animal Biology Experimentation Flight Panel (Panel Chair)
– National Science Foundation – Integrative Animal Biology
– US Department of Health and Human Services Community Initiated Research Grants
– US Department of Health and Human Services Youth Connection Demonstrations
– US Department of Health and Human Services Rural Outreach Demonstration Grants
– US State Department
– US Department of Education
– US Department of Energy
– Louisiana Board of Regents
– Massachusetts Water Resources Board
– 100,000 Strong Partners for the Americas

Private Agencies

– American Heart Association (AHA)
– American Heart Association – Western Region
– Institute for International Education
– Research Corporation
– Hudson River Foundation
– Jefrees Trust
– Guggenheim Foundation 



– Fonds de Recerche du Quebec
– CanadaNATO – Scientific Affairs Division
– National Science and Research Council of Canada
– The Canada Council
– University of Helsinki, Finland
– New Zealand Federal Research
– Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
– Science Foundation, Israel
– Medical Research Council, Saudi Arabia